Brittaniey Trottier, a thirty-year-old Charleston native, was incarcerated at the Al Cannon Detention Center on March 30 for a triad of drug offenses.
Her arresting charges include Drugs/Manufacture Meth, Manufacture/Distribute Ice, Crack and Cocaine, and Simple Possession of Marijuana. All charges are firstly recorded within Ms. Trottier’s criminal record.

Following a 10:00 A.M. Bond Court appearance, Magistrate John C. Kenney of the Centralized Bond Hearing Court granted Ms. Trottier personal recognizance bond on all charges with an original bond amount meriting $5,615.00.

This isn’t Ms. Trottier’s first-ever arrest — in early December 2018, she was jailed on counts of Trespassing and DUS License Not Suspended for DUI, with less clarity on what the latter charge entails.
Charleston magistrate court judges continue to release repeat offenders without requiring they pay reasonable bond amount — and three days ago, we published a story of a Mount Pleasant man released on personal recognizance bond for two separate arrests over a period of two days.
But, as the impropriety of our judiciary steadily ticks upward, we will continue to push forward to enlighten our fellow man of the brokenness of our criminal justice system, one story at a time.
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