Daniellle Jermaine Brown, a 43-year-old man from McClellanville, South Carolina, was arrested April 3, 2019, on two bench warrants — Failure to Stop for a Blue Light in 2018 and Sex Offender Registry Violation 3rd and Subsequent in 2016 — alongside a new charge of Sex Offender Registry Violation, his fourth total.

Mr. Brown is currently being held at the Al Cannon Detention Center to serve his two bench warrants. But he was granted $5,000 personal recognizance bond by Charleston County Magistrate Ellen S. Steinberg within the Centralized Bond Hearing Court. Ms. Steinberg’s office telephone number is (843)-766-6531.

Danielle Brown has an extended rap sheet covering thirteen arrests and a handful of Failure to Appear bench warrants. Mr. Brown has also been found guilty, by plea or determination of, 14 total charges — eight felonies and four misdemeanors since 1993.
Mr. Brown is a Sex Offender. In August 1993, he was convicted for a count of Criminal Sexual Misconduct with Minors. The charge is measured in first, second and third degrees: a first degree offense is determined if the victim is age eleven or below; a second degree offense is determined if the victim is between the ages of eleven and 14; and a third degree offense constitutes a victim age between 14 and 16.
Judge Ellen Steinberg failed in her duties to exercise adequate judgement from her position of authority. Mr. Brown is a Sex Offender with convictions for Failure to Register in late 2003 and early 2006.
The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) additionally shares blame. This group previously introduced a Bond Court item titled the Pretrial Services Report (PSR) in January 2018, which recommends local judges to exercise judicial discretion with provided information in making informed and effective decisions regarding determination of bond type.
Per the group’s website, the report includes “(A) An objective assessment of risk for missing court appearances and new crime pending trial, similar to those used by insurers and healthcare providers, and (B) An indication of the financial circumstances of defendants as public defenders are in place to provide representation at bond hearings for defendants that cannot afford a private attorney.”
The report certainly failed to acknowledge Mr. Brown’s four missed court appearances in Charleston County alone, with its financial section (B) nullified by the former reference to risk of a missed court appearance (Judge Steinberg likely zeroed in on his financial credentials rather than his criminal history). But, so long as an agenda to destroy the Bail Bond Industry fuels their ambition, our fight against crime and demand for accountability will continue to decay.