On May 8, 2019, Morgan Frances Miller, 24, was arrested for the third time on a charge of Possession of other Controlled Substances Sch. I-V. An original bond amount of $10,000 also accompanied an in-county holding charge.
The following day, Ms. Miller appeared at 10 A.M. bond court hearing with Summary Court Judge Richardine Singleton-Brown presiding. She was granted personal recognizance bond on the felony drug charge, and was released from the Al Cannon Detention Center three hours later.

With two prior arrests involving drugs, one would think a presiding judge tasked with determining whether a person need pay bail or not would take into contemplation the offender’s record and other concerns. But Judge Singleton-Brown didn’t.
In late August 2017, Ms. Miller was jailed on four drug charges: Possession of Cocaine, two counts of Narcotics Sch. I and II, and Simple Possession of Marijuana.
And, just five months before her May arrest, she was arrested on charges of MDP Drugs Sch. I (B) (C) LSD and Sch II. Cocaine, and Manufacture/Possession of other Sub. Sch. I, II and III.
As for Ms. Miller, she is not going to be pressured into making it to her July 5 court date — beyond text-message reminders — and lacks any incentive to avoid paying a fourth visit to Charleston County’s jail.
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