Gary Stewart Wright, a 35-year-old North Charleston man, was incarcerated on 10/22/2018 following his second charge of Sex Offender Registry Violation ($1,087.00) — he was released on personal recognizance bond (PR) by retiring Bond Court Judge Priscilla B. Baldwin less than twelve hours later.

Mr. Wright has visited the Sheriff Al Cannon Detention Center on 11 occasions since August 2017, with his alleged crimes ranging from five counts of Shoplifting ($1,000.00), Walking on Roadways to two Sex Offender Registry Violations — his 10/22/2018 PR for the same count resulted in a Bench Warrant for failure to appear — the warrant was fulfilled in his early December arrest that also included a Failure to Register count from the West Ashley Area Magistrate Court.

In late June 2002 at the age of 18, Wright was convicted in the State of Virginia on statute 18.2-67.3 — Aggravated Sexual Battery — which lists numerous reasons one would be under the umbrella of this charge, including “1. The complaining witness is less than 13 years of age, or 2., The act is accomplished through the use of the complaining witness’s mental incapacity or physical helplessness”. Wright is an Adult Tier-III Sex Offender, and the image below provides all accompanying information relative to his offender status.

With eleven arrests and a potent disregard for societal norms surrounding consent, Wright is a clear and present danger to the City of Charleston, and our judicial system must begin picking up the pieces that have been shattered by evolution of the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC). This group has directly instructed our local Bond Court Judges to select PR contrary to cash bail, even if said individual has been convicted of sex crimes, drug offenses or violent offenses.
Charleston Jail Watch has reported, in detail, countless career criminals that have been subject to bypass cash bail (notably, Joshua Nix). It is a direct reflection of the CJCC’s tactics aimed at dismantling the Bail Bond Industry to further influence in Charleston, and to the remainder of the State of South Carolina (their influence has already spread to Aiken, SC).